Mr Ben Oliver - 1st Degree

GMSMA Assistant Instructor

1st Degree Black Belt – 2017

1st Degree Black Belt – 2019

Greatest Accomplishments:
ICO Kickboxing World Champion – 2019

Double WKO Vice World Champion – 2019

ITFHQ Double European Champion (Sparring & Patterns) – 2018

Holland Cup Vice Champion (Sparring) – 2018

I began training at Grand Master Sutherlands Martial Arts Livingston Gym in 2007 just before my 4th Birthday. I trained under my instructor Mr Kaczmarek and had the privilege of also being guided by GM Sutherland along my Taekwon-do and

Over the years I have worked hard in both disciplines and have made good friends along the way. This has helped me be the person I am today. Through discipline I manage my busy training schedule and also balance this with my school work. In 2019 I received a Merit Certificate for my level of work and achievements in School. I think this is good to show the younger students in the gym that it’s important to try both at training and at school.

I first began helping out in classes when my sister joined Taekwon-do. I love working with the younger students and encouraging them to always try their best. Over the years I have learned to adjust my teaching with different age groups and to make classes fun and engaging for the little ninjas and kicking kids. I’m also confident when teaching adults and helping them to learn their pattern moves. I always show other students respect.

Over the years I have also assisted in Little Ninja and Kicking Kid gradings. I love to watch a junior student who I have helped in class achieve their gradings and feel very proud of them. In 2018 I attended an International Instructors course where I gained knowledge and advice from GM Sutherland, GM Sanders and Master Thomson. I look forward to attending future courses.

I completed my first aid training at GMSMA which is a very useful thing to have assisting in the gym.

I have competed at both a local and International level in both Taekwon-do and kickboxing for many years. It’s been challenging at times in different age and weight categories. I have always received encouragement and guidance from my instructors which has helped in my journey to where I am today. GM Sutherland also gave me valuable advice when it came to my Black Belt Patterns when I attended workshops.

My biggest achievements to date were becoming ICO Kickboxing World Champion in 2019. This was an amazing experience which I worked hard in training preparing for. We also traveled to Poland as a club where I became a Double European Champion in Black Belt Patterns and Sparring.
I have gained experience in every competition I have competed in. Always trying to take on board advice from my coaches and I love the challenge of competing against new people who I’ve not fought before. I’ve met friends along the way from different countries who I look forward to seeing again in the future.

Taekwon-do and Kickboxing is such an important part of my life and I welcome new challenges in the future. I will continue to help juniors and look forward to seeing where their journey takes them. I hope it as exciting as how my journey has been.